FTJOBC TimeTrax™ V5 Software Upgrade, Job Codes

FTJOBC TimeTrax™ V5 Software Upgrade, Job Codes


Adds Job Codes to TimeTrax™ time and attendance software for PSDLAUBKK, TTPROXEK, TTELITEEK systems.
  • For Pyramid PSDLAUBKK, TTPROXEK, TTELITEEK Time Clock Systems.

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Required software upgrade to add job codes to TimeTrax™ Time and Attendance software for PSDLAUBKK, TTPROXEK, TTELITEEK. To install this upgrade, follow these steps:

STEP 1: PURCHASE Job Codes Upgrade Software Package.

STEP 2: CALL customer support at 888.479.7264 ext.1.

Upgrade Job Codes
Compatible Time Clock Systems PSDLAUBKK, TTPROXEK, TTELITEEK